Composit video to vga converter
Composit video to vga converter

composit video to vga converter composit video to vga converter

They convert from composite to VGA very differently. Whether the boxes are made by different companies, I cannot say. I've tried many different combinations but makes no difference with color. The six buttons are: zoom (looks like widescreen selector), av/sv/vea (input selection, av is the composite), PIP (picture in picture?), mode (preset soft/normal/bright/user), menu (user selectable brightness/contrast/ect), and PP (output resolution). It stays blurry and unreadable in 80 column mode no matter what button I push. For practical purposes, however, the box is not translating the composite into enough detail to make those various modes useful. The effect is to switch the output resolution from 800圆00 to 1024x768 to 1280x1024 (and with various 60mhz or 75mhz). Thank you for your detailed reply! I tried your suggestion, but unfortunately it made no difference.

composit video to vga converter

I bought my converter several months ago at ebay for something like 39,00 Euros and mailing - so the amount in summary was 45.00 Euros. They have same size and lineout of the plug-connectors and i guess the one i don´t have to work also with external 9 Volt DC supply. The 2 small black-boxed-converters that you display in your video - as well as the converter used by me ( also without the printing on top of the case - the first one you used in the video ) seem to be manufactured by exactly the same company in China. If it turns out that the second box really is having a problem with the colors it might be caused by tha fact that one converter is designed for use with PAL decoding while the other one is designed for use with NTSC-decoding.

composit video to vga converter

up to my experiance using the SVGA input normally causes a monochrome display that is more crisp but with no color - while using the component video input results with less crisp display but instead at least displaying the colors. I´m not that sure that the second one is really not able to diplay color - but i believe that this is more dependent to the used input. in Fact the internal PCB seems ro be the same - but just optionaly populated with slightly diferring components. and the fact that instead at the one with 6 buttons the PowerOn LED was not inserted on the PCB and the hole for the LED was closed with the Label does not realy indicate that this box was manufactured in another way by another company. Though the second one tested has 6 buttons instead of the other one with 5 buttons it would be interesting to get info on the labeling of the 6th button. Some additionel remarks: it seems that the first one ( which you call the 5 Button-version ) which has the buttons for: Input ( select either Composite or SVGA ) - Menu ( to select Modes ) - Freeze ( to stop at 1 picture ) - Resolution ( to select between 40 Char Display or 80 Char Display ) - Wide Screen ( to adapt to Widescreen VGA ) probably was valued by you so bad in Textmode, because you probably forgot to switch button 4 when you switched the Apple with PR#3 to 80 col mode but probably left the converter in 40 Col mode. If i had to value the quality i would - in compare to the RGB-Monitor from Phillips valued as 100% - give to the converter still something around 85% to 90 %. this problem did not occur with the Apple IIe or the IIeuroplus. Only with the IIGS the converter had recognizable weaknesses in the outlines of color-figures by speading the borders in different single colors. The comparision showed to me, that the Phillips RGB-Monitor beats everything that i have seen within the last 30 years - but for those who search for an alternate chance to display color-pictures from the Apple on Monitor - that converter is a acceptable and usefull alternative. at the other hand i also use the same computers with the Phillips CR8810-II RGB Monitor. I have the same small converter without the written label on the top and i have been using that one with the ZX81, the Apple II europlus, the Apple IIe and the Apple IIGS in connecction with a 19" Flatscreen.

Composit video to vga converter